
Published: Sep 4, 2019 by Dr. M. O'Byrne

The Underwater Lighting and Turbidity Image Repository (ULTIR) is a collection of high resolution images taken under varying lighting and turbidity levels. The repository allows inspectors to gauge the effectiveness of using image-based algorithms for the purpose of detecting and quantifying damage in an underwater environment, and to establish the limits beyond which damage detection is no longer practical. Moreover, appropriate imagery is often hard to freely come by when evaluating new or existing image-based damage detection methods.

This repository contains two main categories. These relate to:

1) Crack Detection

2) Surface Damage Detection

The imagery contained within each category were captured under three lighting levels and three turbidity levels, resulting in nine images for each specimen. These varying levels portray the conditions that may be encountered in an underwater inspection setting.

This repository aims to be as comprehensive as possible and to show the most relevant imagery available. It is continually updated with more pictures. Such an undertaking is only possible with a lot of help. With this in mind we invite the readership to contribute to the repository by submitting good pictures of underwater damage captured under known lighting and turbidity levels

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